NARSOL Resources is designed to be the ultimate repository for sexual offense registry related data, academic research, lists, links, books, reports, advocacy organizations, audio and visual files, court cases, and much, much more. If a resource relates to the sexual offense registry and could be useful to our members and/or fellow advocates, we will make every effort to archive it here. If you are aware of useful resources that have not yet been archived here, please use the submission forms at the bottom of each page to ensure we include it in the future. This site is maintained by NARSOL volunteers; your input is always appreciated!

- Crisis Lines
- Educational Resources
- Employment Resources
- Federal Prison Facilities Information
- Financial Resources
- Housing Resources
- Legal Resources
- Prison & Reentry Ministries
- Support Groups
- Victim Resources

- NARSOL Resources Site Tour
- Criminal Justice Reform Podcasts
- Criminal Justice Reform Videos
- NARSOL YouTube Site
- What Is NARSOL?
- Registry Matters Podcast