March 28, 2025

NARSOL Resources

NARSOL Resources


The data on this page is for informational purposes only. NARSOL does not endorse or recommend any of the attorneys on this list; however, those with the NARSOL symbol have been suggested by NARSOL members and supporters. Other listings may have been submitted by other parties or by attorneys who are promoting their practices. Please conduct your own due diligence in selecting legal representation. NARSOL’s affiliates and state volunteers often keep vetted lists of attorneys as well, with more detail than can be shown here.

Search the database using the magnifying glass icon at the top right corner of the window, or sort/group the entire database by using the sort tools at the top of the table. There are both vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the data table.

Expand any record by clicking the expansion symbol seen when you hover your mouse over the row’s leftmost column. View a document or visit the source website by clicking the link once to activate it, then a second time to open the link. Documents will open in the data window; external URLs will open in another tab.

Please use this form to report any broken links, or bad experiences with a listed attorney. Scroll to the bottom of this page to add a new resource.

Submit an attorney for inclusion! (All form fields pertain to the attorney only. All submissions are anonymous.)