September 7, 2024

NARSOL Resources

NARSOL Resources

Become an NPN Podcaster

Do you have something to say?

NARSOL Podcast Network

Maybe you’ve thought about becoming a podcaster.

Perhaps you didn’t follow through on the idea because time constraints, special equipment requirements, or a general lack of technical know-how.

Figuring out the hardware, software, and all the other things that have to happen behind the scenes to create a great podcast can be a real challenge.

What if we could make it easy for you to get started? Like, ridiculously easy. Would that get you interested in becoming a podcaster on the NARSOL Podcasting Network?

Here’s how it works

First of all, we’re flexible. You can record your shows on your own equipment or on ours. You can use your own podcasting platform or ours. You can record and broadcast to a live audience or record privately and upload your episodes after you’ve touched them up. You can use a fancy-schmancy professional quality studio microphone or a simple telephone. If you know how to dial a phone, you can be a podcaster on NPN.

Second, it’s all on our dime. We won’t ask you for a single penny at any point in our relationship. Anything you record on your own equipment or platform remains your intellectual property. Episodes recorded on our platform and stored on our servers are NARSOL’s, but creators have unlimited license to use them as they wish.

Third, cross promotion and syndication gets you noticed. Your episodes will benefit from promotions arising from NARSOL publications, social media, website traffic, and other venues. All episodes listed on NPN are syndicated out to iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast distributors.

Fourth, we have some cool resources at our disposal. Our virtual studio has the capability of producing a call-in show with a switchboard that allows private call-screening and off-air conversations, even while your show is broadcasting live. There’s a dedicated phone line just for guests, so you don’t have to give out your own phone number. You can also dial out of the virtual studio for those not-always-punctual interview guests. We have the ability to store hundreds of audio clips, which you can use as needed. And our platform can display a series of photos or slides during your show to add a little color to your broadcast.

It’s easy to get started. All it takes is an initial interview and a signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) that acknowledges you’ll adhere to our standards. Email us for more information on how you can get started.