There are dozens of ways people can end up on the sex offense registry. Not every state is the same but, in many states, prostitution, urinating in public, public nudity, and sexting or sending nude photos to a minor (even if you, yourself are a minor!) are just a few of the ways. And legally, an intoxicated person cannot give or get consent, so even if both partners were drunk or high, each could be convicted of a sex crime!

There are dozens of ways people can end up on the sex offense registry. Not every state is the same but, in many states, prostitution, urinating in public, public nudity, and sexting or sending nude photos to a minor (even if you, yourself are a minor!) are just a few of the ways. And legally, an intoxicated person cannot give or get consent, so even if both partners were drunk or high, each could be convicted of a sex crime!