March 26, 2025

NARSOL Resources

NARSOL Resources

Registry News

Welcome to the NARSOL Registry News database!

The following is a collection of news articles relevant to the sexual offense registry sorted by date, with the most recent articles at the top. You can filter, sort or group the database by using the commands at the top of the table, or search the database by using the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the table. Please use this form to report any broken links. Scroll to the bottom of this page to add a new resource.

You can search the database using the magnifying glass icon at the top right corner of the window, or sort/group the entire database by using the sort tools at the top of the table. There are both vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the data table.

Expand any record by clicking the expansion symbol seen when you hover your mouse over the row’s leftmost column. View a document or visit the source website by clicking the link once to activate it, then a second time to open the link. Documents will open in the data window; external URLs will open in another tab.

This is a searchable listing of news articles. To search for a particular topic, headline, author, or media outlet simply use the magifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the table below.

There are both vertical and horizontal scroll bars within the data table.