There are dozens of ways people can end up on the sex offense registry. Not every state is the same but, in many states, prostitution, urinating in public, public nudity, and sexting or sending nude photos to a minor (even if you, yourself are a minor!) are just a few of the ways. And legally, an intoxicated person cannot give or get consent, so even if both partners were drunk or high, each could be convicted of a sex crime!

There are dozens of ways people can end up on the sex offense registry. Not every state is the same but, in many states, prostitution, urinating in public, public nudity, and sexting or sending nude photos to a minor (even if you, yourself are a minor!) are just a few of the ways. And legally, an intoxicated person cannot give or get consent, so even if both partners were drunk or high, each could be convicted of a sex crime!

The registry today is not what it was ever intended to be. It serves no purpose other than providing jobs to people who think they are keeping the public safe. What they are really doing is destroying potentially productive tax paying citizens and their families. Few offenses are of the violent nature and most other offenses are not repeated. Restoration/forgiveness is the best solution to a problem that has been expanded to well beyond what it deserves.
Amen Captain, if could only get Adam Laxalt to agree. He’s the states DA in Nevada. He let the registry change without due process of law and piled all tiers into one, called tier 3 for everyone. So unfair.
Is there a way to download a copy of this quiz in this format? And to use it with NARSOL’s permission/credit?
It is something all NARSOL members should have on hand, if, as, or when necessary, when discussing SOLs, the SOR, and other relevant issues with people who need to know the facts.
I’m afraid the quiz does not exist in any document format (it’s a computer program) and isn’t downloadable. Feel free to link to it however you like, though!
The registry is just another type of legislation passed that does irreparable harm to those on it. I live in Wyoming and those that administer the registry here have taken upon themselves to make sure that anyone who gets on it never gets off. There used to be a benchmark for level one offenders that after 15 years you were removed, but no more. Everyone on it is now listed as lifetime. As a side note how can anyone say that is not being punished in perpetuity? How much money are the states receiving from the Federal Government to administer these programs. Is that why they want as many people on it as possible? Do they value the almighty dollar over peoples lives? You bet they do….Mike
“Then you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32) .” Laws based on facts not myths, empirical evidence not speculation, and on restorative justice and restoration of damaged families not infinite indefinite punishment and shame.
It’s really simple. THE POLITICIANS, at State AND Federal Levels, are the ones gaining the most money from The Scheme of The Registry. Corrupted Judges, DA’s ADA’s, and Corrupted Law Enforcement Officials-as well as Equally Corrupted Media Personalities-are ALL INVOLVED in the Scheme of The Registry as it currently is. Come on now, do they REALLY THINK The Registry works? EVEN THEY NOW KNOW IT DOESN’T! It’s only a great Political Tool to use come Election and Re-Election Time. A great platform to run on. Feeding People the same old LIES over and again! Pretty soon, more than a bunch of People are going to get tired of the Politicians Promoting The Lies that is The Registry. Watch what happens then.
I am in Alabama:
1) Which States have grouped all Tier registrants into the Tier 3, without delineation to the SORNA requirements, especially referring to Residency distances, post card notices to the 2000 foot neighborhood homes, without regard to the Tier Level that the Offender has been listed on their Justice & Commitment documents. A charge of “Possession of Child Pornography” has me listed as a Tier 1, yet in Alabama their is only one Tier, that is Tier 3, which is the most punitive and destructive.
2) Why is it okay for a registrant to live next door to many families with children younger than 18 yo and within the 2000 feet, while if I want to live within 2000 feet of a day care, or children’s home, I cannot.? That doesn’t make sense. How can I get a Federal Level answer with complete science and quantitative documents showing the reasoning is in the best interest of enhancing public safety ?
3) Where can I find the ruling and description of all three Tier’s ?
Thank you. Stan
Is it doxing if its the government that’s doing it, especially if it’s under a guise that has been proven to be inaccurate? What if the government doxes an entire segment of the population with the result of causing or attempting to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person?
What if this doxing caused or was proven to cause any person to be in reasonable fear of death or of serious bodily injury?
What if the government knew this doxing would be questioned so this same government proclaims this action to be a civil regulatory scheme “not unlike that of renewing ones driver’s license”?
What if the general population upon discovering the identity of said segment of the population not only approved but strongly supported this civil regulatory scheme?
What we allow the government to do to one, we demand the government do to us.